Since our last blog post, there have been some fairly big changes to the way things are looking down at Westonbirt Woodworks.
Blog - Restoration
A different kind of demonstration...
Thanks to generous donations given to support the restoration of Westonbirt Woodworks the next phase of the project is well under way - creating a Demonstration Area.
Taking the next steps
Over the last few weeks, some of you will have noticed we’ve been quite busy beneath the STIHL Treetop Walkway…..
Building the Westonbirt Woodworks
As part of our exciting new Woodworks project, Westonbirt staff and volunteers were given the opportunity to get involved in the building of our new drying shelter - see how they got on...
Westonbirt is welcoming back Perchard Structural Timberworks to help us develop our Woodworks this winter. Read on to find out how Nick and his team are getting on...
Let’s Get Framing
Last week, Nick Perchard had a busy few days sorting through the timber that has been milled on site from our own oak.
Transforming Westonbirt Woodworks
The preparations are complete, and we are about to commence our exciting new project at Westonbirt Arboretum: the restoration of Westonbirt Woodworks.
Careful consideration...
Over the last few months, we have been busy restoring the dry stone walls around Westonbirt Woodworks as part of our latest project.
A new beginning!
Over the coming year we will be developing the Woodworks into an exciting hub where visitors will be able to see traditional heritage skills, take exciting courses and learn more about what happens to our trees at the end of their lives at the arboretum.
Carrying out some TLC
The Tree Team are currently working hard between Broad Drive and semi-natural woodland beyond the western side.
Still plenty of work to be done!
The opening ceremony for Phase Two may have now been and gone, but there is still plenty of ongoing work for the Westonbirt Project.
Restoring our ha-ha!
Ha Ha. An expression often used to represent laughter. However a ha-ha is also a landscape design feature that creates a barrier to things such as livestock, while preserving uninterrupted views.
The restoration…
Sophie Nash is Project Manager for The Westonbirt Project. She organises the logistics of the project, working with architects and project managers for various elements to deliver the works.
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